Our Bouquet Collection is meant to be more than just a watch. It's meant to combine elegance and uniqueness in one wrist piece that allows you to express yourself and bring your outfit together with the perfect accessory. Made with Arabic numerals showing off the gorgeous style around the dial, this piece is sure to spark conversation from its uniqueness alone. Upgraded to Swiss Movement Battery and maintaining its Sapphire Crystal Glass, no corners were cut on the making of this watch.
The true head-turner of the Bouquet Collection. With our Sunburst dial now available in rose gold, and banded by radiant rose gold mesh bands, the Valentine colorway is meant to provide the elegant pop you've been looking for in all your favorite outfits.
Materials & Warranty
- Swiss Battery Movement
- Sapphire Crystal Glass | Scratch Resistant
- 5 ATM Water Resistant
- Arabic Number Design
- 316L Premium Stainless Steel
- Case Size: 32 MM
- Interchangeable Straps: Stainless Steel
- Limited 2-Year Warranty against manufacturing defects. Limited 5-Year Warranty on battery life. Read more .